Big Little Lies
Big Little Lies Character, culture and American youth The turmoil roiling in industries ranging from entertainment to government to broadcasting and beyond raises some significant issues with regard to how we are raising our children and the examples that potentially powerful public role models are, even unwittingly, providing to American youth. One might reasonably argue that at…
Read MoreHunters and Farmers: Why ADHDers Can Thrive at Summer Camp
Hunters and Farmers: Why ADHDers Can Thrive at Summer Camp Stephen Gray Wallace, MS Ed January 2018 In examining the etiology behind the widely diagnosed Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), one school of thought, championed by Thom Hartmann, author of the Complete Guide to ADHD, speaks to the concept of “hunters and farmers in modern society.” This…
Read MoreKids In The House
Kids In The House Find videos done by Stephan Wallace for KidsinTheHouse
Read MoreWhen High School Happened
When High School Happened 01/03/2018 11:37 pm ET JOE PIZZIO While organizations such as the Center for Adolescent Research and Education (CARE), The JED Foundation, and the Jordan Porco Foundation have rightly focused on the often-difficult nature of the transition from high school to college (think staggering rates of mood disorders, substance use disorder and suicides), there is another transition…
Read MoreThe Art of Change
The Art of Change 11/16/2017 03:58 am ET Change is good. Change is hard. Change happens. It is that very inevitability that makes change predictable, though not necessarily anticipated. Linear change, including grade progressions, graduations and other milestones (such as a first driver’s license, a first job and the loss of older family members) is…
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